Saturday, April 18, 2009

Satur-Day ❤

It's a hot day today, when it's hot...I will wake up real early~
I can feel the heat in my room :o

like an oven huhu~~

So today wake up and wait to pick my sisters up :)

then we went to Citymall to have lunch, yeah we must eat de mah XD
after eating then walk around the mall...alot of people there,
not sure why Citymall always got alot of cars, make it so 'jam'...
but today I got myself a zebra strip short pants real cheap hahaha~
coz they are having some sales at Bingo~
yeah u know cant go KL so I want to buy some stuff at least hehehe :D

but I must 'jimat' also aikss...need to keep for other stuff :(

Then went back home, take a nap LOL
going to church wait them do song practice~
after that my sister back home again, then find my kawan to Damai YoYo~
hard to meet her at college, even on MSN too~
1 week come out 1 time loh, talk bout alot of stuff...hehehe :p

since we're stress mah, should be coming out look at the sky XD

and talk talk talk & talk, now back home updating at here.

Im tired seriously, dint have enough rest haha~

tomorrow need to wake early for church~
then planning to go shopping again, well depends la :D

Cant show you alot of pics, its funny XD and sorry Howey for this drink~
wanna laugh when look at it,
coz I drink yours instead hahaha XD\

* Oh no...i din't even touch my 3D today arghhhhh

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